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AKIVEEDU Nagarpanchayat is a Notified Area Council in ANDHRA PRADESH state. AKIVEEDU Nagarpanchayat has 20 wards.

List of wards in AKIVEEDU Nagarpanchayat -

Ward 1

Election Ward No.1

Ward 2

Election Ward No.2

Ward 3

Election Ward No.3

Ward 4

Election Ward No.4

Ward 5

Election Ward No.5

Ward 6

Election Ward No.6

Ward 7

Election Ward No.7

Ward 8

Election Ward No.8

Ward 9

Election Ward No.9

Ward 10

Election Ward No.10

Ward 11

Election Ward No.11

Ward 12

Election Ward No.12

Ward 13

Election Ward No.13

Ward 14

Election Ward No.14

Ward 15

Election Ward No.15

Ward 16

Election Ward No.16

Ward 17

Election Ward No.17

Ward 18

Election Ward No.18

Ward 19

Election Ward No.19

Ward 20

Election Ward No.20

AKIVEEDU Nagarpanchayat comes inside the following assembly constituencies.

AKIVEEDU Nagarpanchayat comes inside the following parliamentary constituencies.