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Boothapandi Nagarpanchayat, TAMIL NADU

Boothapandi Nagarpanchayat is a Notified Area Council in TAMIL NADU state. Boothapandi Nagarpanchayat has 15 wards.

List of wards in Boothapandi Nagarpanchayat -

Ward 1

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.1

Ward 2

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.2

Ward 3

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.3

Ward 4

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.4

Ward 5

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.5

Ward 6

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.6

Ward 7

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.7

Ward 8

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.8

Ward 9

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.9

Ward 10

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.10

Ward 11

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.11

Ward 12

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.12

Ward 13

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.13

Ward 14

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.14

Ward 15

Boothapandi (TP) - Ward No.15

Boothapandi Nagarpanchayat comes inside the following assembly constituencies.

Boothapandi Nagarpanchayat comes inside the following parliamentary constituencies.