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KANKANAVADI Nagarpanchayat is a Notified Area Council in KARNATAKA state. KANKANAVADI Nagarpanchayat has 17 wards.

List of wards in KANKANAVADI Nagarpanchayat -

Ward 1

Halasiddeshwar Coloney

Ward 2

Bajarangi Nagar

Ward 3

Pandurang Nagar

Ward 4

GLBC Coloney

Ward 5

Hosur Thot

Ward 6

Ballari Thot

Ward 7

Nayakawadi Thot

Ward 8

Hukkeri Thot

Ward 9

ullannavar Thot

Ward 10

SC Coloney

Ward 11

Koddin Thot

Ward 12

Banajigol Thot

Ward 13

Maradi Thot

Ward 14

Musheppagol Thot

Ward 15

Jadhav Thot

Ward 16

Baloji Thot

Ward 17

Jali Thot

KANKANAVADI Nagarpanchayat comes inside the following assembly constituencies.

KANKANAVADI Nagarpanchayat comes inside the following parliamentary constituencies.