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NAAGANURA Nagarpanchayat is a Notified Area Council in KARNATAKA state. NAAGANURA Nagarpanchayat has 17 wards.

List of wards in NAAGANURA Nagarpanchayat -

Ward 1

Market Calony

Ward 2

Goudr Calony

Ward 3

Sc Calony, Laxmi Temple

Ward 4

Kolur bulinding

Ward 5

Gotadaki Plot

Ward 6

Janata Plot

Ward 7

Kurber Calony

Ward 8

dharamatti kinal

Ward 9

Gotur Thot.

Ward 10

Gotur Thot

Ward 11

Angadi Thot

Ward 12

Tigadi Thot.

Ward 13

Maradisiddeshwar thot

Ward 14

Khanappagol thot

Ward 15

Gudennavar Thot.

Ward 16

Kariholi Thota

Ward 17

Haligoudra Thot

NAAGANURA Nagarpanchayat comes inside the following assembly constituencies.

NAAGANURA Nagarpanchayat comes inside the following parliamentary constituencies.